Tuesday, June 19, 2007


MamaToo tagged me.

I'm supposed to write 7 random things about myself, so here goes:

1.) As I write this my 10 month old is watching The Backyardigans - which is also one of my favorite cartoons.

2.) I was born in Bellflower, California.

3.) This year, for my birthday, my husband gave me a gift every day for the week preceding my birthday. All of these gifts were hardbound copies of my most favorite books.

4.) Just like MamaToo, I spent some time in Germany. I lived there for two years from the ages of 10 to 12. Unlike MamaToo I speak German pretty well. However, even though I am half Mexican, I do not speak any Spanish.

5.) I own at least 4 copies of J.R.R. Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring (the book not the movie).

6.) The first sport I ever participated in was gymnastic - balance beam was my best event with a high score of 7-something. I'm not bragging, just showing you that I really wasn't all that great at it. :)

7.) I'm haunted by the question of whether or not I'll have more children. I just don't know the answer and it bugs me that I don't know.

Well, there you go...seven random facts...and now the hard part (because I'm not sure I know 7 bloggers that haven't already been named):

Hummel Family, Meloknee, and that's the best I can do right now....

1 comment:

MamaToo said...

I'm so curious about #7 - particularly, why it bugs you that you don't know. Is it hard to feel conflicted? Do you feel conflicted?

Ok... enough bloggy therapy questions. Loved your list. :)