Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Wierdest Hour of the Day

It's almost 5:30pm and I am expecting either my phone to ring or my front door to open. Just minutes ago I could have sworn my almost 2 year old was calling "Daddy! Daddy!" and I spontaneaously broke into a "Daddy Come Home" song.

My mom often tells of when we all waited for my dad to come home on week nights. According to ledgend, the Ramirez girls (all six of us including my mother) would, literally put our heads together and chant, "Daddy, come home. Daddy, come home. Daddy, come home." Usually this ritual would happen somewhere around the 20th time the question, "When's daddy going to be home?" was uttered.

For those of you who stay at home and await the arrival of your spouse, do you have a ritual you do with the kids to help them pass the time?

(Just to keep you up to date: my hubby called while I was composing this post.)


Smile said...

We usually take Jae to work and then pick him up in the evening, so that's our ritual. On days that we don't get Daddy from work, I tend to NOT let them think about him =) It generally backfires on me when I try to make it a happy "Waiting for Daddy" time because they REALLY start thinking about how much they miss him...I wrote about it under my May 15th, 2008, "Disneyland, please?" post...

The Queen of Sci Fi said...

My friends, I did not know you had a blog! Now I've got some reading to do. :)

Audrey said...

It's so cool to hear your stories about your childhood because I don't have those memories!