Saturday, May 24, 2008

Coming Out of The Fog

Sorry about the blank-ness of this post. I was composing on my Blackberry and then I got distracted and somehow the title got posted but not any of the text.

As the title states, it seems that I'm emerging from the morning sickness fog. I haven't thrown up for almost 2 weeks (Praise be to God!). I'm still experiencing some intense nausea and I'm definately still running at a lower energy level, but I can see the light.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh that sweet first trimester

I'm about 10 weeks into my pregnancy and this week was been the hardest week yet.

I wake up with headaches that I didn't have when I fell asleep.

I throw up way more than I did during my last pregnancy.

I cry WAY too easily. (for those of you who know me...pretend like this is a new thing)

Admittedly, I am terrible about pregnancy. The miracle of life that is occuring inside of me gets totally lost in my constant struggle to figure out what my body will be like on any given day.

Will I be sick this morning? Will I be able to take my usual walk and still function tomorrow? Will this headache go away if I rest long enough? Will I be able to look at the ketsup bottel today without wanting to hurl?

This part of the miracle of life will pass. God willing, it will get more comfortable, but does that doesn't mean that what's happening right now isn't equally beautiful.

Is there something distracting you from the miracles God is working in your life?