Friday, July 20, 2007

Holy Anniversary Sale Batman!

I love the sales at Nordstrom as much as the next girl but WOW was Nordstrom a mess at 9:30 this morning.

I think today was the first day of Nordstrom's Anniversary sale. On the way to the mall I heard about the sale on the radio but I've been in Nordstrom during their various sales so I didn't give it a second thought. Boy was I in for a surprise.

The parking garage was practically full. Women were pouring out of the mall with large white bags and matching garment bags. Young children were begging for their breakfast.

I was outside the Seattle city limits, on the "east side" at one of the bigger malls in the area. I was actually on a mission to find a Sanrio store - that mission was never accomplished.

Being taken by surprise by a sale of this magnitude when you were hoping to pop into the mall the moment it opens was a bit unsettling.

After reviewing this post - it's clear that I need to get a more interesting life. But, as always, I offer you what I have right now. :)


Llama Momma said...

Malls scare me!

The Queen of Sci Fi said...

i love malls. :) but i love them when no one is there. :)

Auz said...

Now I want to pop by Nordstrom to check out our mall. Our Nordstrom's in Salem is really small compared to Portland's. It'd probably be even more of a mess.

MamaToo said...

I'm not a fan of Nordstrom's at sale-time. I recall very frantic shoe departments. :)

However... the anniversary sale is a big find, and shopping online has taken the craziness out of it! :) Now, if only their "sale" was a little more in reach of my budget.