Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Unit

Admittedly, I watch too much TV!

My husband and I often get hooked on a TV show and then we have to buy the whole season on DVD to watch them in succession. Really it's a form of gluttony.

My husband loves this show called "The Unit". It's about an elite army task force that does things that the government never admits really happens - all top secret stuff. My husband jokes with me by saying, "I think I'm going to join the army, so I can be in 'the unit'. " Since one of my husband's stock phrases is, "I have a delicate system." we both know that this is just his male fantasy running away with him.

One of the big issues on "The Unit" is the issue of secrecy. It's a security issue. None of the wives of these soldiers ever know where they are going, what they are doing, or when they will return. The wives DO know that they work in an elite super secret task force, but they have all been trained to say, "My husband is a clerk with the 303rd Logistical Unit." You cannot tell your mother, sister, children that your husband is the elite of the elite soldiers.

Last night I turned to my husband and said, "Baby, you could never be in 'the unit' because of me." He said,"You're right you can't keep a secret to save your life." It's true (for the most part). I have a bit of a warped sense about the importance of MOST information being kept from others - especially people I know love me and usually love the person who is trying to keep this information under wraps.

So, baby, I'm sorry that I've ruined your chances of becoming an elite fighting machine. Maybe we can find something else for you to dream about in your spare time.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When Our Babies Sleep

Do you think the average person would be surprised by what stay-at-home parents do while their children sleep?

Maybe it's just my own preconceptions about being a wife and a mom. I struggle with having the cooking, cleaning, and childcare in tip-top shape. There are lots of other things I would like to do during my son's nap time. I usually use that time to read and/or study. I try to make sure I get time in scripture and after that I like to read things that inspire me. Sometimes it's CS Lewis, sometimes it's a book on leadership, sometimes it's a great piece of fiction, sometimes it's blogs. Allot of the time when I read it help me start dreaming. I start dreaming about the ways God might use me. I have to be a little bit careful when this happens because sometimes I get really caught up in what I'm able to do well...I have performance issues. I'm scared to fail so I often start limiting God's plan based on what I think I can do well.

Of course, the work we are doing in our homes is very important. The time I have with my son is very precious and deeply important work. I'm helping to form another human being that will make his own impact on this world. But after a time I believe I will be called to work outside the home again. Maybe that will be when my children start going to school - maybe it will be when they start college - I don't really know when it will be. But I want to be ready.

I hope folks aren't counting us stay-at-home parent's out. I know of plenty of women (I don't personally know any men but I'm sure they are out there) that do alot cooler and more exciting things than read while their babies sleep. We're like soldiers training undercover waiting for the right time to make our next big impact in this world.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

True Seattlite

Like a good seattlite, the Bugg has a t-shirt from his favorite coffee shop.

I Just Can't Resist

It's Valentines Day, and I'll take this opportunity to publicly proclaim the gift that my husband is to me.

We've had a rough couple of years. We moved away from our hometown - in the truest sense of the word it is our HOME town. All of our deepest friendships, our parents, and a couple of our siblings got farther away with this move. At the beginning this was exciting and a great big adventure. Then reality set in and the loss is still one that we struggle to understand and reconcile. We have moved twice in the two years we've lived here. We got pregnant and had our first baby. We struggled through depression and debilitating anxiety.

We've also grown in our faith in God to provide what we need. We've learned how to take each other a little less seriously (laugh a little more). We've been blessed with a beautiful baby boy.

My Love, Thank You!

Thank you for sticking by this silly and often times grumpy little girl of a wife that God has given you. You make her happy more often than you know AND a lot more often than she tells you. As life keeps rolling on please remember that I love you and cherish the gifts of your friendship, companionship, and passionate affection. Happy Valentines Day!